Anh Thuy


(posted on 30 Sep 2024)

Every morning, I love to looking into the mirror and feeling good about myself.Smile with yourself and start another day with laugh ,love and care  that make you feel good .

Do whatever make you happy each day is very important for your life , after that you don’t feel regret that you let your time flies aways, time never coming back so do what you need to do when you still can breathe.

if you have a healthy lifestyle,your diet & nutrition are set , and you are working out you going to feel good but remember just excercise enough, still need to love your body . Every thing will be take time …. Be patient don’t rush yourself with everything. Peace of mind will give you a lot of wonderful ideas for your life.

Dont follow what people do , you need to have your own style of life … the style that fix for you .

if you are happy if you’re feeling good then nothing else matters. If are great outfit get you one step closer to felling good about yourself, then it’s worth every penny.

Do and act on what you believe to be right and you wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself. If you felling good , you are confident about yourself, you are going out there and you rock it 😇😇😇👍👍👍

i love what I’m doing each day , with these love surrounding, I feel I need people and also people need me .

with love from Anhthuy .



(posted on 19 Sep 2024)

Hi everyone ,

Been busy with all things around , time flies so fast and year 2024 almost come near at the end .

We all enjoy doing nice things for other .whether it’s a saving the last cookie for your husband or bring the latte to your coworker when you know she having a tough day . It feels good to help those we care about .

But what about you ? In between the bustle of day to day life and the time you spend taking care of the other , do you overlook yourself ? If you have think about that , the answer is YES .

Now is the time to give yourself some of those things you gave to your love one . treating yourself is about doing something for you , why not open that bottle of champagne on an afternoon? Who says you can’t watch the sunrise and sunset one day ? When will you will take the cooking class that you aways though about .

You deserve to be happy and there a big or small ways to give yourself a shot of joy every day .From a little thing , a little thing that make you smile and be happy . After all , between work and taking care of those around you , you’ve earned the right to indulge.

we only have one life so you as well make the most of it . What are you waiting for ? It’s time to treat yourself. 
let together start today. 
love you all from Anhthuy . 😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️










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